One of my New Year's Resolutions was to try a raw diet for a week, every month. Mark agreed to go in on it with me and we thought we'd start on the first. We didn't start until last week, and we barely made it through the day. For one thing, the food I made (Ensalada and, for dinner, Spinach-Avocado Soup) left us still hungry. Another thing, the weather was unbearably cold last week. Therefore, the diet seemed ill-suited for this time of year. We figured a raw diet would be better in the summer and we would try to incorporate one meal of raw food daily. A 50% - 60% raw diet is our goal.
Besides....I love a hot meal.

an attempt at raw "cooking": Spinach-Avocado Soup

freshly sautéed spinach on top of a crusty white bread

ribollita, hot and hearty!