I went on a few sites and found a recipe on vegweb.com. Mark seemed okay with it and we went over all the tips left by the other users as to how to modify the original recipe. He offered to make the loaf and I was designated the task of baking cupcakes (the first recipe to be used from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World).
After much tweaking, Mark succeeded in making a fairly tasty loaf. It will be better next time, he promises, in the way of texture. The cupcakes, naturally, kicked ass. So delicious. His mother, whom we invited to sup with us, ate everything on her plate...a good sign ;)
naked chocolate cupcakes with unbleached paper liners (so eco-friendly)
holiday lentil loaf, up-close for the texture
the dinner: rolls, green beans, mashed potatoes with vegan brown gravy, and holiday lentil loaf
Mark's birthday cupcake. Make a wish!