We haven't had a
savory breakfast in some time. It's been sweet the last 3-4 week ends. So, for a change, Mark got creative and whipped this up. I'm still trying to figure out what to make for "linner" or "Dunch", a combo lunch/dinner, today. I'm not that much of a morning person and Mark works early on the weekdays and half of Saturday so we usually have one day to enjoy a leisurely breakfast. Which is why he usually prepares it for us. This week end, Mark was given nearly 3 days off (woot!) so we're excited to try some different culinary choices. I'm happy with what he chose today :)
The dogs liked their breakfast, too. Only because I'm a soft touch and added a bit of what we ate into their usual kibble-broth-wet food mix.
Here are the pics:

A scumptious morning feast: Orange juice, fresh pineapple with maple-syrup-toasted walnuts, English muffins smothered in Earth Balance margarine, fried potatoes, and Tempeh Scramble (from VWaV)

The Tempeh Scramble, up close and personal
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